The Black Cat
Wayward Arts Magazine (waywardarts.ca) asked TAXI to design the first issue of their second volume. Each year of the publication features a theme, and agencies are asked to produce one issue under that theme. "Obssession" was our year's theme. Our concept for our issue was to illustrate Edgar Allan Poe's short story "THE BLACK CAT". This dark story tells the tale of a man who, becomes utterly obsessed with his cat and end's up going mad and committing murder.. The story was divided amongst 12 designers who each illustrated one spread. My spread is a Rorschach design depicting approximately 30 cats, and symbolizes the protagonists cat hallucinations.
Wayward Arts | TAXI | 2014 | Illustration

Spread Illustration by Brittany Anderson
Retouching: Jon Krogh

Book cover by Andrew Passas

Book cover by Andrew Passas