The Truth About Canadian Women: Microsite
Working with Ipsos, McCann Canada has ventured into a 7 month study on Candian Women today. This study was broken down into 6 mini-reports, each based on a certain topic, and it launched on International Women’s Day. These reports were released online as reposnsive microsites. The goal of this study is to educate marketers on how women wanted brands to interact with them, and give them deeper understanding of women today.
See the live reports: www.truthaboutcanadianwomen.ca

Microsite Landing Page
All of the reports follow this format, and these are example screens from one of the reports, The Imperfect Portrayal of Women. Each report has it’s own cover collage design.

In the report microsites, illustrations and data are animated, and the site uses a parallax scroll effect.

Reports when viewed in a mobile device

Cover collage for Women and Work Report

Cover collage for Roles in the Household report

Cover collage for The Imperfect Portrayal of Women report

Cover Collage for the Women over 50 report
One more report has yet to be launched, and will be released in September 2018.